New section:Mycobacterium

Hello all! I have recently expanded from yeast and fungi to mycobacterium! Just an overview is that these organisms typically affect immunocompromised individuals and are the leading cause of tuberculosis and Hansen disease/Leprosy. All mycobacteria are slender, slightly curved or straight, rod-shaped, nonmotile and non-spore forming.  Not all acid-fast bacilli are considered mycobacterium! This is so important as most mycobacterium habitat our environment and can cause diseases that resembles TB. Things that we may consider from a clinical point include recent travel, HIV status, signs & symptoms, exposures, positive initial screening tests, a patient's history and where they're from. As an MLS, the three questions we must ask ourselves are:

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Who am I?

Hi, I am a prospective MLS who wants to educate people and study at the same time. This website is my project I am taking on to refer to for my certification exam, but this site can also be useful for you too! There's so many things around us that can seriously harm us and we never bat an eye! Well here is my first post so I hope you all can enjoy!

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